There are two parts to our charges. First, there is a one time set up fee of $100. Second, there is a $500 Mediator Fee for a two hour mediation.
We schedule our mediations for two hours only for two reasons. First, we find that two hours is frequently enough time for the parties to communicate and work through their issues. Second, because we find that the issues are often so emotional that after two hours, if there is no agreement, the parties are better off taking a break and coming back at a later date. If you need to schedule a second session, you will not be charged the setup fee; you will only be charged the Mediator Fee.
This is so much cheaper than hiring lawyers. Lawyers will ask for a retainer of between $2,500 to $5,000. The lawyer will charge you to draft the divorce, file the divorce, talk to you on the phone and attend a meeting or hearing in court to reach the same conclusion as mediation can reach. The lawyer can easily charge $1,500 in legal fees for these services. Plus, each party will want to hire a lawyer. So the parties can easily spend $3,000 in legal fees for the same result as they get in mediation.
Why are we doing this when we could charge you as more money as a lawyer? Because there is a need for a cheaper way to get divorced. We get so many calls from clients who need help with a divorce but really do not need a lawyer to fight for them in court. Certainly, some cases need lawyers and end up in court. Those cases are not good candidates for mediation. But in so many other cases, the parties just need a little help communicating and reaching decisions. They don’t need a lawyer. The problem is, if I am your lawyer, I have an ethical duty to fight for you. I am not, and cannot be, neutral. Being a mediator solves that problem. I am not acting as a lawyer I am a neutral party and I can never act as a lawyer on this case. Plus, it feels good when two people who maybe aren’t getting along solve their differences!