We can mediate any issue a family can face. (We can really mediate more than family issues, but we assume you are here about family issues.
Custody. We can help you mediate between sole and joint custody, supervised or unsupervised visitation, who the domiciliary parent is.
Support. We can help you decide the amount of child support, if any, and the amount of spousal support, if any.
Visitation. We can help you create a visitation schedule if there are children. Not just what days the kids spend with each partner, but also how the holidays are split, what happens on the kid’s birthday, and how vacations are determined.
Property. We can help you fairly devide your community property, including the family home, any retirement and other assets.
These are just the highlights of the issues we can mediate. Really, anything you want decided can be part of the mediation. You want your child to do gymnastics? That can be an issue. You want your child to be raised in a certain religion? That can be an issue. It is your mediation. We are there to help you resolve your unique issues.